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India truly great !!
by geo on Sep 07, 2007 06:44 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Did you know some of the greatest discoveries in the world were made in India?
Calculus, pi, trignometry and even small pox vaccination was first used in India.
Even the worlds oldest martial art is from India
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  RE:India truly great !!
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 08:26 PM   Permalink
George you said this before . Anything more plz post it. Are you trying to connect Kalari with Karate? Can you back it up with facts.

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  RE:India truly great !!
by imran patel on Sep 07, 2007 06:54 PM   Permalink
Cut the Crap...
What is the reality today...We are still a "Developing" Nation. Come out of this self-denial mode...

Yes, we have a lot of potential...But we are NOT Great.

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  RE:India truly great !!
by RamRamRam on Sep 07, 2007 07:25 PM   Permalink
We will never be a great nation because..

We do not have courage to stand up against corruption. We have lost everything we had because we were living as slaves for last 700 years. The Basic infrastructure for knowledge transfer through the Guru-Shisya Parampara was cut down by the Moguls. All our wealth were looted by British. We lost both Knowledge and Wealth which are the key factors to be a leading nation.

The British has injected the poison of 'divide and rule' concept to the upper caste people who were controlling the masses. This has created lot of hatred and divisions within sects. Too many divisions is a bottleneck for development.

The current government also follows the same divide and rule policy. They will not allow the Hindus, Muslims and Christians to unite. Without Unity we can never become a great country. We will be still working as a modern slaves to Western Organizations. We need a great young leader with a vision for India. I am hoping such a leader will come soon and liberate us, until then we need to keep moving the wheel of development in slow pace.

Jai Hind...

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  RE:RE:India truly great !!
by raj on Sep 07, 2007 10:12 PM   Permalink
Ram, Your points are well taken, but we have to come out of this excuses. World have changed since then. Major problem is Indians have to be more patriotic. Carrying RED FLAG(communist)and screaming slogans not going to help to build a nation. Look at our Asian brother, Japan, only nation on earth took the nuclear hit in history.Look at them now . it is a economic power house. How? Hard work & Patriotism. Ofcourse they got huge finacial help from the US. But Hard work put Japan as second economic power in the world. They have all kinds of Western investment. What is wrong in that? That make you slave? These kinds of narrow menatality and misunderstanding is not going to help to build a nation like India.

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  RE:India truly great !!
by Sunit Kumar on Sep 07, 2007 06:53 PM   Permalink
geo, how long are u going to remain in 5000 BC, come out its 2000 ADs and here none of the inventions under the Indain Belt...(now dont count me some names)....take the meaning of what i have said, history is dead forget is here use it !!

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