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N Deal The Real Facts
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:08 PM   Permalink

How can a deal that is better than one that china got be a bad deal for India. Everyone knows the economic rise of china. Now this rise requires power. This deal gives us more than wot the chinese got and the chinese are known for the shrewdness with qwhich they protect their interests. Surely we have protected our interests better than the chinese. As per co operation with America is considered, wots wrong with that. U sure don wanna pursue a isolationist policy. If one has to be recognized as a global player thn one has to play global politics. Aliging with countries is one such global game to gain maximum from the current prevailing world conditions. What u suggest is we breakin relations with everyone and just become isolated from the rst of the world. And i dont understand ur fears of the whites. Even after 60 years of independence u have a fear Psychosis vis a vis the Whites and the US in particular. Even after 60 years u r nt confident abt ur freedom and the strength to keep that freedom. U still think u will be enslaved. tell me why dosn the Americans think India will capture the US and enslave the americans through this deal, thats bcoz they are strong and confident and very agressive. Same feelings should be here in us Indians.

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