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N Deal
by Transformers on Sep 08, 2007 12:09 PM   Permalink

If we do not get this deal we ll spend another 10 years in the dark without electricity till we have the technology to generate power by using Thorium. We still do not have the final tech to generate power through these Fast Breeder Reactors. We should take this deal to generate power and speed up the research on fast breeder reactors so that as soon as we have the production capabalities using thorium based technology we can just stop importing uranium. But right now we need Uranium based tech so that we get power and we are nt left behind and go back to the dark ages... and yah this deal is only civilian so no need to worry abt military nuclear instalations. n we are free to test nuclear weapons. the Hyde Act is just a cosmetic effect by the US government to shut the mouths of the Non proliferation hawks in washington who are opposing this deal tooth n nail... The US understand it has no leverage to stop India from testing weapons and it dosnt want to risk billions of dollars of investment by imposing nay sanctions. remember 1998 aftre the tests the imposed sanctions but had to bite the dust and remove sanctions after realizing it was their industries that were suffering.. so be cool and just use this deal to the maximum and do not let the commies Headless Chickens take India back to the dark ages.

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