I recall - when a boy from andheri mumbai was kidnaped and killed the media was blamed because the boy was killed as news leaks in media. Now this boy is released safely as news flashed in media. Hence it is clear that media may fabricated this kidnapping to coverup his damaged image in last kidnapping. Now we can realise that media is becoming a powerful dectator and he governs all game.
RE:Media game
by Shriniwas Deshpande on Sep 05, 2007 10:06 PM Permalink
I agree with you rashidbhai Media these days is CREATING news than reporting news
RE:Media game
by kanu kangal on Sep 05, 2007 09:00 PM Permalink
Looks like someone has kidnapped your Brain. I hereby announce a reward of 10000000 for anyone who returns Rashid Siddiqui's brain.