now is the time for the BJP TO BE POSITIVE, AND HELP THE CONG PASS THE NUCLEAR DEAL WITH AMERICA, AND THROW MUD ON THE LOONY LEFT FACE! the left can organsie a bandh in west bengal and kerala after this deal is passed. and they can vilify modiji/advaniji/etc till their teeth fall off.
RE:nuclear deal
by raj on Oct 30, 2007 06:17 PM Permalink
sarfarosh, By the time we finish discussing there will be a new President in the White House. Things moves fast in those countries unlike our country. We have been discussing this for a long time. This become a joke. Only discussion should be how to hang these communsit traitors in the election. And they betrayed India. SAD TO SEE BJP SINNGING ALONG WITH THEM. THEY ARE NOT A ANTI-US , THEY ARE BEING SELFISH. THAT HURT THE NATION.