I see some people claiming Modi to be a terrorist. I only wish there were terrorists like Modi when the Muslim inmvaders invaded our country. Then we would never had the problem with this parasitic community.
Show me one country in this world having Muslim population and peace in that country. I bet you cannot!
by Mohan Kumar on Oct 29, 2007 04:42 PM Permalink
A man without a conscience, or one who suppresses his inner voice at the expense of justice is worse than a prostitute.
by Imran on Oct 29, 2007 04:45 PM Permalink
People like u should test urself if you are really a human being. I don%u2019t support islam nor any religion but modi is a devil in human form and all those who support him are the same.If u are human pls act and think like one.
by sssssssssssss sssssssssss on Oct 29, 2007 05:28 PM Permalink
All the terrorists are Muslims but not all the muslims are terorists. Can you figure our any non-muslim terrorist on earth?
by sssssssssssss sssssssssss on Oct 29, 2007 05:26 PM Permalink
I would like to have a Modi like terrorist leader for Hindus. I am ready to join with that that organisation in such a fantastic leadership.