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Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Rehana Khan on Oct 22, 2007 05:32 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is high time for the Muslims in Gujarat to stop the rhetoric of Modi being Murderer of Muslims. Let us not forget that misguided people from our community burnt alive the innocent people & triggered the Gujarat riots. Let us ignore this bloody past & look forward at the glorious future.
Accusing or abusing Modi is not going to help us but to give self satisfaction. Let us think of the nation first.

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Imran on Oct 22, 2007 06:17 PM   Permalink
Dear Rehana a murderer is a murderer nobody can change that so stop supporting people like Modi. He should be tried in a criminal court .

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 06:45 PM   Permalink
Do you want any muslim murderers who take innocent lives to be tried too? Any names?

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Ritu Singh on Oct 22, 2007 05:47 PM   Permalink
Rehana well said.... Its educated people like you who ensure that Muslims dont get smeared all over in ONE paint...

The key to muslims being misguided by terror factions in the name of religion is ONLY education... Give equal opportunity to Muslims and help them in getting their children the best education so that "religious fanatics" do not taint the minds of young muslims....

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 05:47 PM   Permalink
Nation first. Education second, so that begging for reservations like in Andhra Pradesh is not needed. After ruling India for so long how come so many are poor and need reservations to get well. That's a shame.

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Rehana Khan on Oct 22, 2007 05:52 PM   Permalink
It is true India was ruled for many centuries by the Muslims, but they were invadors & India was never their motherland. People like myself belong to this soil & never ruled India. So how could we have become rich? But I don't prefer reservation for any comunity based on the religion & caste.

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by Truth Seeker on Oct 22, 2007 06:04 PM   Permalink
I guess one of the problems is with kids going to Urdu medium schools. It's better if they go to English medium schools with Urdu as one subject, and possibly Islamic History or other related courses as electives. More marketable skills are needed.

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by sharminda sharminda on Oct 22, 2007 06:24 PM   Permalink
Who told you Muslims do not think about the nation ? Don't fall to the propaganda of extremist who calls Muslim areas as minipak. They have forgotten about muslim cooperation, support they recieved in all the wars India fought.

Why don't you preach this to Brahims ? Just go and see who the real traitors are, be it in defence, in politics .. etc ? Also, if the uppercaste has so much of love for country why can't they give thier daughters to Dalit brothers ? Is this not sufficent to prove that they are looking religion first. Also why BJP is filled with upper caste ?

Btw, Abdul Kalam is a muslim, the champion of India's missile technology. Narendra Modi for Muslim is like what Dawood for Hindus, simple. both of then should be brought to justice.

I doubt the patriotism of people like you who give explanation because you may not be supporting India with true heart.

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  RE:Whether to look at the past or look at the future?
by sharminda sharminda on Oct 22, 2007 10:26 PM   Permalink
Yes, We can marry sheikh's daughters. Thats what the universal brotherhood Islam teaches. There are lot such cases happend. The reason we won't marry is VISA problem, people like you will start again crying like we are not Indians because we are marrying outsiders. Just see even Sonia has to prove her patriotism, so we don't want to put a lady from another country into problems.

Regarding Dawood and Abu Salem, all the allegations are noting but a propaganda by uppercaste to garner votes.

Btw, for us, Both Dawood and MOdi belongs to same category. Irony is that Modi is hero to you.

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Modi challenges opponents