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N-deal: Left awaits Centre's final stand
by kailash gupta on Oct 19, 2007 04:23 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

both congress and left are playing musical chair but forgetting that they are loosing out thier creditibility.manmohan singh is in jan as on one hand he is under pressure from left and oen party members and on other hand bush administration twistin his arms.congress has shown her greed and lust for power as they know they can make more money being in power than to go ahead on n-deal and loose out every thing.people of this country will not forget greed and lust of congress and double standard of left.manmohansingh should resign immediately as he knows and understand that he is surrounded by goondas and third grade politician within government and outside supporting congress.sonai will finish this country very soon.

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  RE:N-deal: Left awaits Centre's final stand
by on Oct 19, 2007 04:45 PM   Permalink

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N-deal: Left awaits Centre's final stand