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Stop visiting religious places
by JGN on Oct 13, 2007 11:51 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The places of worship are increasingly becoming targets of terrorists for fomenting animosity between followers of different religions. The Gods (if there is anything like that) are not sitting in the places of worships of different religions. They are mostly run by vested interests for fulfilling their narrow agenda. So avoid visitng such places as the State or Central Govt cannot provide security to thousands of places of worships across the country.

Intrestingly now god or prophet is coming to the rescue of the victims of such terrorist attacks. If any relief is being provided, it is by the govt or large hearted individuals present at the site of such incidences.

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  RE:Stop visiting religious places
by on Oct 14, 2007 06:10 AM   Permalink
Once people stop going to places of worship, then they will target schools, hospitals, offices, factories etc. Then as per your advice, we should stop going there too.
My friend this is a question of internal security and it can only be resolved by taking the bull by horn.

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Ajmer dargah terrorist target from 2003