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Stoned to death
by Rajesh Kumar on Oct 06, 2007 12:28 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Our Dear Prime Minister was reffering in high level meeting about a similar incident asking the Director General of Bihar to take care of these kind of incidences. However it is a fact that the similar things had happened in the past in other parts of the country also. In a high level meeting only mentioning the name of Bihar speaks about the biased attitude of the Central Govt. which is hostile to an efficient Bihar Government because of obvious reasons.
Now the same thing has happened in a so called advanced and civilised state - where is the prime minister. Why he is mum. Again because of obvious reasons - the state is ruled by his own party. Shame ..................

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  RE:Stoned to death
by kris ch on Oct 06, 2007 12:37 PM   Permalink
he can't say anything about minorities or else his government will come down. hence this mum. He knows well about the incident

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  RE:Stoned to death
by Bhaskar kurien on Oct 06, 2007 12:43 PM   Permalink
Where in this entire episode is the mention of minorities?And,you want to drag them into this.Guys like you will never live in peace;nor will you be happy if someone else is happy.The world will be so much better without the likes of you.

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  RE:Stoned to death
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:08 PM   Permalink
Bhaskar he is correct in his telling. In Bhagalpur a criminal was beaten by public and by chance he was muslim. Within a day minority comision objected and reached Bihar against this act. Same NHRC did...he was a hardcore criminal. But he became so much important for PM that PM felt more to worry about this criminal who belonged a muslim community than people of Bihar! Why not he is taking the same interest in all those more gruesome acts and public lynching , total 30 in past one month, whose reporting in media is even missing? Is not it a double standard towards your own countrymen?
PM should not have cited example of Bihar and projected Bihar only as the place where such thing happen as he and his kind of media has made in fashion for negative publicity of the state...while more than Bihar more gruesome brutal acts occur in rest of India and Delhi itself where even 3 days back an innocent boy was killed by too scooterist in full public view, in a road rage and a lady was killed by bus driver just coz she protested her molesttion inside the bus! Why not media highlight such news for 10 days everywhere which better declines the falling civilization and morality of so called civilized society.

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  RE:RE:Stoned to death
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:10 PM   Permalink
This is the easiest way to defend your act. Today regionalism has become the biggest threat to the integrity of India. COme out of such mentality otherwise days are not far when you will be confined to your home only and world will be burning. This is absolute backwrd mentality which is pushing india back much ore than these criminals.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Five stoned to death near Pune