by vijay agrawal on Oct 06, 2007 12:44 PM Permalink
Muslims like you don't deserve to stay in India,better go to Pakistan and stay with Sayed Salahuddin,he will treat you better.
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:01 PM Permalink
And in pakstan thse same paki favoring indian muslims are treated as outsiders, muhazir...they are screwing already the POK muslims to much. Just send Salim kind of muslims there and ask them the end result after 10 months. Even leader of such muslims Dawood is regretting his association with Pakistan and is today ready to return back to India and close all his underworld activities! Jannat me reh rahe hain ye saale gaddar log..bhar jaa ke laat khate hain aur apne hi ghar me aag lagate hain..inke liye jannat nahi maiyyat honi chahiye.
by ramaswamy prabu on Oct 06, 2007 01:08 PM Permalink
In the recent past, I have seen any issue reported in this space soon degenerates into a debate of Hindus vs muslims.
Rediff please rein in the mode of publishing these opinions, before you become another red FM.
by Lekha Menon on Oct 06, 2007 01:37 PM Permalink
I totally agree with you. it is such a sense of deja vu... every bit of news, positive or negative, even if the facts are not clear, turns into a free for all among rediff viewers. sad. These guys have a wonderful ability to turn everything into a hindu-muslim issue. shows a lot about our maturity as a country.
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:19 PM Permalink
Very true. We all agree about this. Unfortunately there are people both Hindus and Muslims who see every issue as though it is a competition to see who can insult the other the most. As a result they damage their own country, so busy ot insult and so little vision to see the problems and tackle them in a united manner.