RE:RE:Jai Maharashtra !!!
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:23 PM Permalink
Avi: Proud of what you do? Killing people innocent sleeping? Which disease do you suffer from? Congenital imbecillity or adult insanity?
RE:Jai Maharashtra !!!
by Ravi Roy on Oct 06, 2007 01:13 PM Permalink
Keep on doing Jai maharastra and go out of India Rastra! You people are behind the split of India and today are the biggest threat to Indian integrity in form of regionalism. Nothing is wrong when your kind of people are beaten when go outside if state becuase a hateful heart can get only hate. And your kind itself define what kind of civilized society you people can define..of which even maharastra will feel ashamed. Ever Jai Maharastra jai tamil Jai Kaandiga Jai Punjab will be defaming and antinational act towards state as wella s country idiot.