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Barbaric Act
by rajesh prajapati on Oct 06, 2007 12:38 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

This is an absolutely shocking and shameful act in a so called civilised state of Maharashtra at a place called Lonavala where during the weekends thousands of 'civil' people from Mumbai and Pune come for a weekend. I have heard about such events in the BIMARU states, where again it is unexcusable but to happen in Maharashtra - so close to Mumbai - shocking and the guilty must be immediately caught and punished. Moreover, action should be taken that such events do not recur.

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  RE:Barbaric Act
by nadia sani on Oct 06, 2007 03:16 PM   Permalink
Wonder where the Shiv Sena supporters are now? Strangely enough none have commented, they were so eager to praise and exalt Thackeray in another page. When it comes to reality everyone looks the other way. Too bad.

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Five stoned to death near Pune