RE:What goes around will comes around.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:13 PM Permalink
The worst for BJP is yet to come, all of them think that out of sympathy everyone will vote for BJP this is nonsense. There is no Vajpayee this time to help BJP and Rajnath Singh does not know himself so its congress all the way.
RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:24 PM Permalink
You are your own dada is it??? Rare species you belong to!! No name.. know your father's name atleast?
RE:What goes around will comes around.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:28 PM Permalink
Deepak MA = Master of Arts ? or Master of Acrobats ? Hey Deepak was your MA through correspondence or you are faking?
RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:32 PM Permalink
GSB you moron, I don't have to carry my qualification on my sleeve!
Applying the same yardstick, you have not even been to school right?
A correspondence degree is not bad either, as the output is better than a fool a.k.a GSB a.k.a SOB!! As i told you, I will buy you a mirror, look at the huge mole on your neck!
RE:What goes around will comes around.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:23 PM Permalink
Hey Dada I dont know who you are but thanks for all the support dude. This Deepak MA thinks he is a intellectual but all his comments are pretty average and biased.
RE:RE:What goes around will comes around.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:25 PM Permalink
hahaha.. intellectual speaking here!! will send u some money to buy a mirror. Pls send me ur address SOB.