RE:BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 09:16 PM Permalink
shut up you fool. You know absolutely nothing. In fact you don't even know your name!
RE:BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Naveen Babu on Oct 03, 2007 09:14 PM Permalink
I pitty for you...... If you are an Hindu learn how all the three(pak cap. Afridi and Irfan) started of with Insha Allaha in the presentation ceramony of the T20 world cup. We Hindus never say Vande Matharum before or after the speech..... lot to learn from muslims..... especisally people like you.
RE:BJP = Brahmin Janatha Party
by Gunduraoramesh on Oct 03, 2007 09:13 PM Permalink
What about your Karunanidhi and Mayavathi, Ram vilas paswan, lalloo ji. mr.DADA. Always you ba*ds accuse Bhramins for nothing since you cant compete with them either by education or by thier brains. you idiots are grazing cattle in the yesteryears and talk nonsense