Kumarswamy should honour his agreement with the BJP and resign. He should think about the long term impications instead of short term gains. His credibility and reputation will be in tatters and he may never recover from it. People will not believe him in future.
If he has any shame left in him, he should now, immediately resign and hand over the baton to BJP, failing which BJP will gain the sympathy of the public and form the next government by absolutely majority.
The BJP Juggernaut cannot be stopped and Karnataka will be the gateway for the "Lotus Bloom" in other southern States.
Vote BJP and live with pride !!!
BJP stands for progress and development of India.
BJP is a patriotic and nationalistic party, unlike other "pseudo sickular" parties.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by dilawar on Oct 03, 2007 09:49 PM Permalink
How can he resign coz he is the son of same Gadha sorry gowda. he he he he
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 09:03 PM Permalink
Congress will be in power shortly. Stop day dreaming BJP will never come to power in South INDIA.
RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by anil b on Oct 03, 2007 09:11 PM Permalink
only a abosolute idiot like you can think of such a dream . all the Gowda baiters like DK, sidharamiah will go down the drain and their votes will go to the BJP .only those eternally animals among humans , the muslims will vote for this guys .