RE:Congress is Back.
by ajith kumar on Oct 03, 2007 10:07 PM Permalink
Dear GSB,
I fell pitty for you over the messages you flashed and the blind support you are giving congress. Analyse the current situation of Bangalore before flashing such messages. The reason for such pathetic situation of bangalore is due to the successive Congress and JD govts. 1. See the road infrastructure 2. IT industries which is the backbone of banglore are already moveing out of bangalore. All It majors stopped futher developments in Bangalore. They are moving to nighboring states like TN and AP. Companies are even moving to LEFT ruled states like Kerala..
So what you can boast about the Congress rules and JD rules who are acutally ruined the states rather than development. Please go and visit other states Infrastructure and comment.. Dont barks like a DOG(you can see plenty of that creature in Bangalore. I think you are one among them.
RE:RE:Congress is Back.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 10:17 PM Permalink
Dear Ajit Kumar, What I have iz optimism not blind faith here I present a argument below let me see if you can prove even one point wrong. Here I go
1. Bangalore voted as top 20 cities in world for conducting business if you dont believe me please visit CNN or times website or search on google you will know the truth.
2. All software companies present in Bangalore have a long term strategy hence they will definitely expand to different cities not just because of roads but because of the talent pool.
3. Metro rail work has started and will be a reality if you dont believe this come to Bangalore and visit the various roads and see in your own eyes Sir.
4. Bangalore International Airport is 80% complete and will be fully functional by April 2008. If you dont believe me please visit Devanahalli.
And I can mention many more like $15 Billion Imean BILLION city comming on outskirts of Bangalore with DLF, Peripheral Ring Road, 6 Lane roads from Bangalore to Mysore and many more
And Sir I agree that there are some problems with Bangalore but which city does not have problems?
And Sir SM Krishna was a Congress CM he has improved the state a lot, when he campaigned last time Congress wone with a huge majority so please wait for the fireworks. ( Rahul Gandhi SM Krishna )
I Also wish all other cities in India to inprove without BJP support.
RE:RE:Congress is Back.
by Deepak MA on Oct 03, 2007 10:34 PM Permalink
You moron, support good people and not a party!! I don't claim to be any party's supporter. Most parties are disconnected from the masses and their aspirations.
Thanks for teaching me about Krishna's party. Not that I'm boasting, but come to me with an open mind, I will teach you political history.
RE:RE:RE:Congress is Back.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 10:39 PM Permalink
Vajpayee is over and Done, Though I respect him ( The only Person I really respect in BJP ) he is old and out. Now you have to live with the stupid Rajnath Singh. God save BJP.
RE:RE:RE:Congress is Back.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 10:37 PM Permalink
Mr Deepak, I do understand back good people but not the party. And dont support BJP.
RE:RE:RE:RE:Congress is Back.
by GSB on Oct 03, 2007 10:40 PM Permalink
Vajpayee is over and Done, You have to live with Rajnath Singh.... God save BJP.
RE:Congress is Back.
by Hansum Hunk on Oct 03, 2007 10:04 PM Permalink
U ur relevent comments here to the particular article,dont pass judgement.