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The real reason for the Karnataka stalemate
by Sumanta Deb on Oct 03, 2007 10:25 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Or rather, H D Kumaraswamy's refusal to hand over power. It is the implemenation of the Bangalore Mysore Infra Corridor (BMIC) project, which envisages a parallel (to the State Highway) expressway beween Blr and Mysore and 5 newly built modern cities along the BMIC expressway. Ashok Kheny, a US based entrepreneur won th global tender,a nd has implemented part of the project, but Gowda and Sons are putting legal obstacles after obstacles (which have been rejected by SC time and again)in Kheny's path. This project runs through the heart of the Vokkaliga "kingdom" -- the community to which Gowda belongs to, and he feels that his support base will be hindered as Vokkaliga farmers in the area are eager to be part of the project by giving up their lands due to excellent compensation and diminishing returns (and irrigation sources after the Cauvery verdict) from agriculture. Vokkaligas turning their backs on JD (S) after moving up the economic value chain is a nightmare for the Gowda establishment.

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  RE:The real reason for the Karnataka stalemate
by on Oct 03, 2007 12:08 PM   Permalink
Everyone know & I personaly feel that personaly feel that, ITS A BIG SHAME TO OUR COUNTRY THAT PERSON LIKE DEVEGOWDA BECAME THE PRIME MINISTER.I think LULUJI is much more better than DeveLouda & Kumarswamy.Kumarsway didnt do anything good to our state other than sleeping in villages.Conclusion is poles should happen again.Nomore Devegowda & sons.Until unless Devegowda is alive this BULSHIT politics will continue.

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  RE:RE:The real reason for the Karnataka stalemate
by on Oct 03, 2007 12:10 PM   Permalink
Everyone know & I personaly feel that personaly feel that, ITS A BIG SHAME TO OUR COUNTRY THAT PERSON LIKE DEVEGOWDA BECAME THE PRIME MINISTER.I think LULUJI is much more better than DeveLouda & Kumarswamy.Kumarsway didnt do anything good to our state other than sleeping in villages.Conclusion is poles should happen again.Nomore Devegowda & sons.Until unless Devegowda is alive this BULSHIT politics will continue.

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