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Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Ganapati Hegde on Oct 03, 2007 12:14 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Kumarswamy should honour his agreement with the BJP and resign. He should think about the long term impications instead of short term gains. His credibility and reputation will be in tatters and he may never recover from it. People will not believe him in future.

If he has any shame left in him, he should now, immediately resign and hand over the baton to BJP, failing which BJP will gain the sympathy of the public and form the next government by absolutely majority.

The BJP Juggernaut cannot be stopped and Karnataka will be the gateway for the "Lotus Bloom" in other southern States.

Vote BJP and live with pride !!!

BJP stands for progress and development of India.

BJP is a patriotic and nationalistic party, unlike other "pseudo sickular" parties.

"BJP is the radiant future of India"

Vande Mataram !!!

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  RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Bhaskar kurien on Oct 03, 2007 12:17 PM   Permalink
Take it easy,Hegde saab.

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  RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by VSR on Oct 03, 2007 12:30 PM   Permalink
Bhaskar, not only Hegde, many people in Karnataka are really frustrated with the developments. It is like a child holding to a cricket bat and will keep batting even if his overs are completed. Kumarasamy should think of long term implications. Deve Gowda put himself out of politics because of his cheap tactics. In this country, there were few ex-prime ministers who we always laugh at their incapability and incapacity to handle and for them it is only Kursi that is important. These are: Deve Gowda, Charan Singh, Chandra Shekar, IK Gujral and VP Singh. None of them were ever PM candidates. They were made PM as compromise candidates and none of them ever survived full term. And that is the shame that Kumarasamy is following his father foot steps to doom his political career. Yes, we all take it easy, whether it is going to be BJP or Congress next, but certainly not JD(S).

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  RE:Kumarswamy should resign !!!!
by Narayan Shastri on Oct 03, 2007 12:27 PM   Permalink
BJP Karnataka unit is where there is a lot of infighting... Yediyurappa vs. Anantkumar; Anantkumar vs. Mukhyamantri Chandru; Mukhyamantri Chandru vs. Ishwarappa; Ishwarappa vs. B B Shivappa... In the midst of this, two men hop into Bellary from AP and behave like cat (2 cats) among pigeons and try to stir in turgid waters. BJP has clearly lost the confidence of Hindus in the state.

God save Karnataka

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