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Congress should support JD(S)
by Amol on Oct 03, 2007 12:25 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

JD(S) under the leadership of Kumaraswamy has done commendable job in Karnataka. He is really the best candidate as CM for Karnataka.

The people of Karnataka should realise that if BJP comes to power all the development works in state will come to halt. They will start some violence in the name of RAM, making Hindus fight against Muslims & Christians. Among Hindus, they will start to bring MANU theory and bring all Bhataji's at the highest posts. It is really scary to think of BJP in power because instead of peace & prosperity, they continually try to incite people to kill each other, spread hatred and pour poison in the society. These Brahmins who have grouped under the names of BJP, RSS, VHP, Bajrangi's etc, need to be kept at arms length. Otherwise the day will be not far when the earlier days of MANU's theory with Brahmin dominance will be implemented.

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  RE:Congress should support JD(S)
by Kumar Ramananda on Oct 03, 2007 12:32 PM   Permalink
By your message, you sound racist. By saying this I am not supporting BJP, but I pity this world where racist like you still in abundance, whose talks are nothing but hatred for now atlast brahmins (are you a dalit by any chance?)

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  RE:Congress should support JD(S)
by Amol on Oct 03, 2007 01:25 PM   Permalink
Why are you bothered about my caste ? This attitude itself shows who the racist is ? You people want to know the caste of others before you talk to them.

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JDS firm on not letting go CM's post