Without Gandhiji's freedom struggle, we would be carrying a begging bowl too(begging from the British). Gandhiji always preached religious harmony. There are bad elements everywhere - in muslims or hindus or christians. More than anyone else, we, the people and the polticians we elect are to blame for the corruption and poverty that is prevalent in our country today. Politicians rule like feudal lords these days and the skewed economic development has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. While India is self-sufficient in food grains, our damn politicians still havent figured out a way to ensure that no one goes to bed hungry. Politicians as well as people have become more greedy and selfish. It is heartening to hear that there are atleast a few people who are known for their honesty and integrity and are trying to do something for our nation. Gandhiji Amar rahe !!!
RE:Gandhiji Amar Rahe !!!
by suresh madhavan on Oct 02, 2007 11:21 PM Permalink
It is not becoz of Gandhi or Congress freedom struggle India got independance. The main reason was 2nd world war and then Churchil's defeat in the election. After 2nd world war, Briton was ecconmically so ravaged that they couldn't afford to keep the colonies far away and in India's case they have drained enough and India was not worth keeping. Again It was not India the only country who got freedom in 1940-40s. Many other countries like Burma,SriLanka also got freedom during the same time. If we got Freedom in 1920's, it would have been becoz of the Struggle. Gandhi returned to india in 1915 and it took 32 years for the freedom. Compare the present day situvation in Iraq. If America leaves Iraq in 2050 giving power to Iraq National Congress led by Ahamed Chalabi, can you say that it is beoz of their freedom struggle?. it will be more becoz no more oil in Iraq. Even after Independance, we kept Mountbaten as the Chief of army staff and we continued to be part of commonwealth. Our freedom was not something we gained, it was something British given us becoz they didn't want to keep it
RE:Gandhiji Amar Rahe !!!
by Shivkumar Singh on Oct 03, 2007 07:07 AM Permalink
Suresh, Sai unfortunately seems to be victim of Nehruvian education system that peddles half lies as history.
The reasons you have articulated are correct.
Also it must be noted that there was mutiny again in the navy and Brits feared the discomfit in Indian defence forces.
RE:Gandhiji Amar Rahe !!!
by Manjula A on Oct 11, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
The Primary reason for the decision was that they had looted everything that could be looted and there was nothing more left to loot. But that is no reason to malign Mahatma Gandhi either.