This shows how far behind we, the Indians, are compared to develped countries! On one hand we are talking of India becoming an superpower, on the other we are going backwards by distinguishing so vividly between men and women. What if someone launches taxis for men only? I am sure this will draw more unwanted attention to female travellers in these taxies. This just symbolizes women's lack of trust in men, or may be it shows the poor state of our law and order, or our social setup so that an woman cannot travel safely in a taxi driven by a male driver.
RE:All-woman taxis
by Ramasubramaniam Iyer on Nov 26, 2007 06:25 PM Permalink
There are a multitude of cases where in Women have been molested especially in Metros when they tried to travel alone in the night. In India atleast women cannot safely travel alone in a taxi driven by men in the night. 1. Men taxi drivers drink and drive 2. They have tie ups with highway robbers(Not saying women taxi drivers dont but the probability is less). 3. There are cases of Callcenter Cab drivers raping women for late drop offs.
So as far as India is concerned this is a good move. There is nothing wrong with all Woman taxi drivers as long as men are also allowed to ride into it and pay the regulated fare. Nice Move I would say.