what we need in karnataka facing problems created from maharastra tamilnad and delhi is a strong regional party. and for this do not support any national parties. so we are left with kumar swamy JD(s). what ever be the reson he diched bjp and congress WHY SHOULD WE CARE?. we will benifit only by supporting regional parties. Eg see dmk telegu desam etc.
RE:why care for bjp which destroys masjids
by Indian Taurus on Nov 26, 2007 08:01 PM Permalink
When one has no potency, he blames others for his problems and people like "Sree" support them. "Sree" ! If you are a friend of this nation, it needs no enemies. Unviel your that identity to be known to everyone that has no respect for need of a national level political party when even regional parties dream to become a national level party one day.
RE:why care for bjp which destroys masjids
by Vikash Agarwal on Nov 26, 2007 05:43 PM Permalink
supporting regional parties does not mean we choose poolu like gowda.
RE:why care for bjp which destroys masjids
by Shree on Nov 26, 2007 05:49 PM Permalink
we do not have a better option. better option would be s m krisna comback launch regional party with siddaramaiah(congres), mp prakash(jd s), r ashok(bjp)dinesh gooduroa and many younsters. is it possible?