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Political conduct in Karnataka
by Indian Taurus on Nov 26, 2007 05:54 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Beyond all above explanations, look at the projections you have showered over the nation. May you are not interested in the nation beyond Karnataka inspiteof being a PM once. As a politician, you are supposed to know that it is not enough to do good (which is definitely debatable in your political conduct in Karnataka) but it should also appear good. It appears that you are not atall conrerned about all these so long as you feel in power to damage people of your dislike. Beyond ideological arguments, there is a definite meaning to "back-stabbing" that is tagged with your party's conduct in Karnataka. As a politician you may happily assume that people have short memory but remember history never forgets and recovers with interest.

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  RE:Political conduct in Karnataka
by frankopenion on Nov 26, 2007 06:07 PM   Permalink
Well said dude. This time, we people of Karnataka will see to it that these buffolos dont get into assembly. The image of Karnataka had already taken beating due to this rascal's deeds. Not any more. His party is sure to be shown the doors in the coming election.

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