The Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) and the Sri Lanka Army clashed Wednesday morning around 8:00 a.m. in Thampanai area in Mannaar-Vavuniyaa border where the SLA launched a ground offensive, according to the military spokesman of the LTTE, Irasiah Ilanthirayan. The SLA has pulled back following stiff resistance put up by the LTTE. Casualities unknown were from both side and SLA suffered a setback facing severe backfire.
RE:Neutral News Below
by Chelvarajan Sethukavalar on Nov 22, 2007 06:57 PM Permalink
The news yo say will be anounced by the BBC Tamil or Tamilnet . Which will give both sides of the story . But this is the pro Sri Lankan government Indian news. If the Sri Lankan soldiers had killed all these Ltte cadres and had been victorious , how come they have not gained any territory. NO wjust wait for the Anti Tamils to start their litany about Rajiv Ghandhi' s assasination so th eentire Sri Lankan Tamil nations should deserve genocide and ethnice cleansing9 forgetting the IPKF atrocities (under Rajiv's command) agianst the Sri lankan Tamils abd no one has been brought to task fo rthese atrocities.