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Playing dirty politics
by shiva on Nov 19, 2007 06:23 AM   Permalink

Again party politics will hold sway, over the interests of the common man and the country. Time and money will be wasted and the end result will be hurling insults at others and holier than thou attitude.

In the interests of the people, just as a beginning let us all get into the act of solving this fiasco and learn the lessons. The party leaders are playing with fire at the cost of the poor, innocent people.

Let us all stop this meaningless exercise in futility and another election and group together in avoiding further fiascos ending in spilling of innocent blood and lives. For progress, discipline and hard work is the only solution and the blame game will never serve any purpose except their own selfish ends.

Taking the country's and the poor man's interests to heart,let us hope this issue will bring forth some wisdom to our political leaders. Time we learned that playing with fire only ends up hitting the poorest and makes them hopeless.

It looks like our leaders will get us deeper into a shithole to serve their selfish interests.

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