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by on Nov 19, 2007 09:02 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

being a shameless bengali i want to write you something-
let the people of bengal to die. they had invited british with the help of mirzafar and paid by loosing so many coins at the time of independance fight, they had invited shameless congress leaders and paid the price at the time of naxal movement,they have invited left now they are paying by choto-aangria day before yesterday, singoor yeasterdy and nandigram today, wait for tomorrow ...... this game had started from the year 1975-76 when the education system were destroyed to create zindabad this zindabad group do not have any other alternative.if by a magic stick uproot everything today now, it will take atleast next 60 years to kill them fully. so don't dream.

only one way is there- vindranwaley advice "if you have money purchase a revolver, if you have more money then purchase a motor cycle, if you have more and more money purchase a lmg". probably zindabad leaders are garadually compelling wb people only for "grihajuddha".

my honest advice to zindabad leaders please stop the fires today else be ready to see the effect of three decades of reign.if you are popular to general people why do you fear to conduct vote under president rule? ask your self.

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by surath mukherjee on Nov 19, 2007 09:14 AM   Permalink
May God reach your voice to the people of WestBengal.

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by test on Nov 19, 2007 10:08 AM   Permalink
what education system are you talking of back in 75-76? people even didn't have the peace of mind to go to a school and concentrate on study. how old are you? did you really see early to mid seventy's west bengal when there was all anarchy in the streets, markets, everywhere? overnight a so called "Bhumi Rakhsha Committee" can be formed and let that committee be built up with musclemen from other states. whose cause is that committee serving by the way? take a look back in the history before writing stuffs like these..

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Nandigram likely to rock Parliament