Karanataka people are not fools. DevGowdas era ended already. He cannot go to the people again. The first time he joined with congress in the name of protecting secularism (pseudo) to avoid single largest party BJP form govt he joined arch rival congress for power. Then his -tube light- brighten realising congress is heading to dig his back by grabing his power greedy legislators. With his blessing and wicked advise Kumaraswamy joined BJP- then automatically BJP became secular- for them, after 20 months Gowda realised once BJP ruled peoples definitely realises all pseudo secular parties propaganda are fails and with good governance BJP will win next election with clear majority. Sleepless gowda run behind congress again, once being cheated congress was not ready to take gowda simply as it is. Before congress plan get worked out Gowda realised majority public are already gone to BJP side and he cannot win even two digits if election held. Again a good summersault He ran to BJP and offered unconditional support. But now he cannot do anything other than sit idle and watch. If he pulled out the govt people will teach him lesion. They are waiting for it like Bihar people did it to Laloo.
RE:Gowda is a dead cow!
by Mysore on Nov 20, 2007 12:37 PM Permalink
Well said. But I don't know when our Karnataka people will realise and elect single party to rule.