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by XBox on Nov 17, 2007 09:08 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Now more than India US negotiations, Congress Communists negotiations amasing me.
I dont know whether congress purposefully triggerd right point and solved this.

After nandigram, congress had a right weapon.
so cummunist defintely want to save their govt in westbengal. so its right time for congress to press right button. automatically national security or this and that reasons will go air for these cummunist bz above all they simply want power right.

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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:17 AM   Permalink
The Commies are anti-democratic[Stalinist] as well as Antinational, whereas the Congress Party [basically a Party for EUnuchs] is farcically Democratic, more Dynastic and will not do Antinational things AS long as the Nation tolerates the Leadership of the Nehru Dynasty!! What a Choice we have!!! The greatest Joke is the Commies calling BJP
"Communal" and "Fascist"! I think "Stalinists"
are the most HORRIBLE people on Earth because they are known to have killed 4 times the people killed by Hitler!!

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by Aftab on Nov 17, 2007 09:24 AM   Permalink
I do not know about your knowledge of world history.

Both the world war and the recent Iraq and Afghanistan war in which the number of people that have been killed is astronmically high were not started by the communist.

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by kraft on Nov 17, 2007 09:31 AM   Permalink
Aftab, I have avery good knowledge about World History [2000 years] as well as contemporary. For your info, Communism died all over the World in 1990 except for the Talkative Oldies from KOLKATTA and Trivandrum
[living in their fools' Paradise]. In 77 Years
of its existence Communism has killed more people than Fascism and Hitler together could do. Of course Islamic Terror for over 1000 Years has always been the biggest Killer in History.

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