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Old news
by Ramdas Iyer on Nov 16, 2007 10:11 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Most newspapers had already reported long back that the Left will allow the Nuclear deal to go through in exchange for the exclusive right to slaughter hindu bengali villagers in Nandigram. You are late Rediff.

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  RE:Old news
by Partha Choudhury on Nov 16, 2007 10:27 PM   Permalink
Awwww! You are a confused Hindu Taliban. It's gotta be some kind of a sameside then since a lot of Hindu CPM party workers were involved in the slaughtering at Nandinigram! Didn't CPM also kill a Muslim boy in Kolkata? Or was he a terrorist?

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Left gives green signal for IAEA talks