The smiling, happy faces of the CPM leader Sitaram Yechury and CPI leaders D Raja and Gurudas Dasgupta at the press conference in New Delhi on Thursday revealed the hypocrisy of the Left leaders. Faces are mirrors that reflect the innermost feelings.They were like a bunch of happy go-lucky youngsters on a picnic. It is like Nero fiddling away while Rome burned. We read of cyclone devastating West Bengal and thousands of people have been evacuated, the blood soaked Nandigram and its poor people have no clue yet of the future. All this does not seem to bother the Left leaders. What strange logic they have found when they differentiate violence and killing of Gujarat and Nandigram. The former was State sponsored (according to them) and who sponsored the latter? There is no justification for the violence by the CPM party%u2019s cadre, aided by the State against the people of Nandigram. Even the common people are worried and saddened by the events and the blood shed in W.Bengal-but not these leaders.
RE:Hypocrisy of Left leaders unveiled again
by Very Amused on Nov 17, 2007 08:45 AM Permalink
I think the title of Modern day Nero is reserved...It has been awarded to the supreme court no less !!! :P:P
RE:Hypocrisy of Left leaders unveiled again
by Vinod More on Nov 17, 2007 08:16 AM Permalink
100% true dear. But you are expecting something wrong. These leaders were not having anything for people anytime. They were always had ideas to retain the power by any means. Now since by softning the stand over N-deal, the power at West Bengal can be retained, they were that happy.
Coming to Gujrat, Communist are equally communal to BJP and Congress is the leader of communalism but they are able to show that they are different.