The left sent the PM to make finalisation of purchase of 4 nos. of Nuclear reactor...For the left... if India gets everything from Russia under the blue sky...they will be the most happiest...
Will someone tell was the US which had provided us with the Tarapur I & II reactor and also the first Nuclear reactor...The CIRUS...
RE:Give & Take policy Of the left...
by kraft on Nov 16, 2007 10:33 PM Permalink
Because the Left has a CUT in everything we get from the COMMUNIST and ex-communist Countries thro, Contacts. Otherwise why the old rascals from Kolkotta howl so much?
RE:RE:Give & Take policy Of the left...
by tapan majumdar on Nov 16, 2007 11:06 PM Permalink
The rascals refered to are not from Kolkata,but Kerala,Andhra and Nagpur.But my request not to be mean to mention state,caste,religion as we are all Indian and also please choose better words than rascal.Please do not mind..