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Left party ,well done to full public
by abboral boral on Nov 16, 2007 07:30 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Well done left parties .You have shown the true colour ,though your parties are showing the same last 60 years .But this time your hipocracy is exposed by giving your nod to congress party .Good, this is good deal to compensate your Nandigram massacar ,to avoid article 350 and Bjp 's opposition to nuclear deal despite Dr ManmohanSingh .s friendy approach to Atal Behari Bajpai .Ok since you have come for a development solution though belated for India ,I admire now for your parties but for god shake please develop Nandigram ,an asset ,a strategic point ,a gateway for entire south east asia,australia,south america .Imagin hence forth entire world economy will be flooded to start business in eastern India and the nearby port is only calcutta and Haldia ( NANDIGRAM is only 40 km from Hadia) .Imagin once civil nuclear deal is finalised ,West Bengal has been earmarked for starting a nuclear power station .Imagin the potential of West Bengal with so many skill unutilised manpower available.Give a solid hand to cherismatic CM Buddhadevji ( who is equal to Dr Manmohan Singh,Late PM P.V.Narsimha Rao,Ex Pm Atal Behari Bajpai in terms of development for India forgetting their party line).I appeal to all parties ,please accept your falt like Buddha if you have done any mistake but never compromise against development of India .People will forgive your party .This is India .The land of Mahatma,The land of people with forgiveness.I am proud to be an Indian.

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  RE:Left party ,well done to full public
by antiCongress antiBJP on Nov 17, 2007 09:38 AM   Permalink
Mamata has been doing the same for last 40 years. Public know her well.

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  RE:Left party ,well done to full public
by S Janardan on Nov 17, 2007 10:02 AM   Permalink
Did abboral boral ever mentioned the name of Mamata?

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  RE:Left party ,well done to full public
by abboral boral on Nov 17, 2007 11:56 AM   Permalink
mamta is not hipocrate like left parties .At least she is fighting straight aginst them last 40 years and trying to focus their actual colour .I know she is also not doing well for any kind development .but left paties ,i dont know how long we will see this horrible sinister of indian politics

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N-deal: India to approach IAEA