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Some of BJP's Achievements!!
by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 11, 2007 11:12 AM   Permalink

some of the highlights of BJP tenure are as under.

1- parliament attacked by terrorists.

2- dreaded terrorists freed to release hostages. foreign minister personally escorts the terrorists out of the country and also gives them $25 million as baksheesh for taking these terrorists out of indian hands .

3- moves entire indian army to pakistan border , threatens them and withdraws army , much to india's embarrassment and huge costs.

4- oversaw gujarat riots post godhra , a shameful blot on india's cultural and social fabric.

5- praised jinnah who was the architect of partition of india and creation of pakistan , a constant irritation on our borders.

6- shaking hands with musharraf when he was planning an attack on india in kargil.

what moral credibility does the bjp have, when they have such spectacular failures under their belt

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'I will stay away from K'taka govt'