Pakistan's educated people have to form association, organisations and spread public awareness about freedom of society. Otherwise military head will always find excuse to fool them and rule. Since majority of people are bakward and does not know the value of democracy. Freedom to live in a soceity which is ruled by law for people, by people. India has been lucky that way there is millions of educated middle class who will never tolerate any nonesense. And good news is the no. of this middle class is growing rapidly. As pvt company, business shops increases more and more indians are getting jobs, income and they are educatting their family, society. So india is luckily on right track. Pakistan has been left behind. they should learn this lesson from india.
RE:Wake up pak, too much of military is bad.
by Sahadevan KK on Nov 05, 2007 10:03 AM Permalink
Our leaders bring a civil war in our country also. Congress and BJP's stand will bring a civil war in our country also, what Mushraff brought into Pakistan. America does their duty to divide and rule India. They help Musharaff, terrorists and Benazir spontaneously. We are continuing our struggle against communalism even after 60 years of Independence, what Britishers gave us in the name of India and Pakistan. Befitting reply cannot harm the Left parties. It will harm Congress as well as our nation.