RE:Big BJP the power and make Modii the PM
by Hoodoo Hunter on Nov 04, 2007 07:59 PM Permalink
if we had nuked pakis they in turn would have nuked us.all of us would have been dead by now. so stop your rubbish.
RE:Big BJP the power and make Modii the PM
by shiva on Nov 04, 2007 08:01 PM Permalink
This message can get tali hot under the collars. He thinks he can live peacefully, after he has done what he thinks is very wise.
RE:RE:Big BJP the power and make Modii the PM
by Hoodoo Hunter on Nov 04, 2007 08:00 PM Permalink
modi is going to go down the hitler way.that will be for sure. let him win gujarat elections first and we will see.