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Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by siva kumar on Nov 04, 2007 12:36 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

As pakistanis have never enjoyed real freedom or democracy in their lifetime they are not going to bother about this imposition of emergency. They have been brought to a state of slave mentality because of continuous martial law for decades after independence.
Moreover they will accept anything in the name of Allah or Quron.
They die like a bunch of goats in bombblasts but lack the courage to fight for a real democracy.
They are a stark contrast to People of Nepal. Though a very smaller country compared to Pakistan, the Nepalis have fought tooth and nail against the Monarch and his arbitrary power and attained a democratic and secular state.
Even now only a handful of Journalists and Judges are opposed to the martial law and the common man has no reaction.
They didn't react when Bhutto was hanged or when Nawaz was deported or when he was again deported from airport.
So it is next to impossible to see demorcracy or a responsible Govt in Pakistan even in distant future.

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  RE:Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by shahid khan on Nov 04, 2007 01:58 PM   Permalink
Dear Siva
You are absolutely right , people of pakistan do not know the meaning and importance of democracy, hence they will never support it.
Pakistan has three strong institution ARMY ALLAH and America.
Solution of pakistan problem is long term sustainable democracy. Say Bangladesh democracy is not very strong but still alive in tuff circumstances.

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  RE:Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by Ali boy on Nov 04, 2007 02:02 PM   Permalink
similar to indian demoncrazy institutions RSS BJP and congress.

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  RE:RE:Pakistanis Vs Nepalis
by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:11 PM   Permalink
LOL .... you just had to express yout frustration with India, because you are an ignorant pakistani. Despite political differences, BJP and congress are 100% democratic - both of these parties in India are most responsible of all political parties. If BJP or Congress is in power, despite my preference of one over the other, I fear zilch about India's future. It is only the other than BJP and Congress parties that I fear - like the CPI, the RJD, the SJP, the BSP, the DMK, or AIADMK, the JD .... they are just too many to know, remember or list.

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This is martial law, says Benazir