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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:00 PM   Permalink
Out of 40 Islamic countries only 7 countries are in Trouble.. The rest of 33 countries are in Peace... As the 40 Lakh Indians who live in Middle East about the Safety & Security in Middle East...
You cannot roam freely in the road after 11 o clock in any Indian City... Look at Middle East there is Protection and Security which Prompts 40 Lakh Indians to live in GULF...

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by No BigBoss on Nov 04, 2007 05:24 PM   Permalink
Press in Middle east is controlled .. there are enought evidences of rapes, murders, corruption and other. Even the rulers of these countries kill each other in the names of tribes and even kill their fathers to become the rulers .. example is of Oman, Abu Dhabhi, Qatar and so on.

Abu Dhabi ruler's son is kicked out of country for raping a girl of other tribe and he can never become a ruler as it has been bartered for his life, Oman's ruler had killed his father and sam e way Qatar's ruler took over the country when his father was in hospital in london.

and more over, everybody knows that all BHAI - Dawood & co live openly in dubai. Even Benazir fled and lived there when Pak govt took the cases of her corruption.

Dont tell us these countries are safe !!!

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by Solid Man on Nov 04, 2007 05:35 PM   Permalink
what about indian politicians they are not killing each other for the seats....they even send there daughters for the PM or CM's seat...

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by chamda on Nov 04, 2007 06:16 PM   Permalink
yes see ur favrate uma bharti u know wat she was doing with others in d night

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:41 PM   Permalink
These is RSS History taught to u from childhood to sow the seed of Hatred for muslim.

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:40 PM   Permalink
Moron, Dubai has recently got 20% stake in NASDAK and london stock exchnage!!
Ask your millions of brothers enjoying the luxury of middle east to come back.
Kerala will become bankrupt the next day if it is not for the middle east money.

These is RSS History taught to u from childhood to sow the seed of Hatred for muslim.

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by Rahul Gupta on Nov 04, 2007 05:43 PM   Permalink
and what history is taught in your madrasa?

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:42 PM   Permalink
He is a RSS guy pretending as an atheist. This is a silly trick. He knows if he shows himself as a hindu he cannot attack other religions for his is full of myths and superstitions.

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by Rahul Gupta on Nov 04, 2007 05:46 PM   Permalink
and what ab8 urs fu8king 72 virgins in zannat

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 06:05 PM   Permalink
98 % of the Abusers in the Internet are Fanatic Hindus... They just Vomit whatever is taught by Drunkard RSS Gurus...without common sense.. Now tell me who is Intolerant.. This REDIFF message board is a solid proof that there are a lot of GODSEs still Living & Polluting India...

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by Rahul Gupta on Nov 04, 2007 05:41 PM   Permalink
what crap.
the presence of 30 crore muslims in India suggest the amount of safety they get

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by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 05:47 PM   Permalink
30 crore ? where did you get that figure from? Come on you look educated. Dont play the politics of fear here. I am a hindu and I have no trouble with muslims. Afterall these people are not turks or afghans or arabs. They look Indian and speak Indian languages. These people have converted to a different religion either by force or any other reason it doesnt matter. Fact is they are Indians. Same race. I wonder if you have ever traveled to a different country. When you see a Indian or a Pakistani or a Bangladesi you are not able to tell his/her nationality. They are all called desis.

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 06:06 PM   Permalink
You are learning history from crap RSS books. Your brain is messed up. I suggest that you give up your job, put on a saffron dhoti and go begging in Benares.

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by Ketan Sojitra on Nov 04, 2007 05:10 PM   Permalink
Most of the islamic country are not democratic. Most of them are also not secular. They do not provide any religious right to Hidus , cristion or people of any other religion. If pakistan is in trouble from terorism then it is because of islam. if they are backword it is bacause of islam. turkey is the only islamic country that is secular but it may not be for long.

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:26 PM   Permalink
1)Show one Muslim country where Hindus are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India?
Malaysia. Hindus in Malaysia have far more "special" rights than Muslims in India.
      In Oman, UAE, the rulers have permitted the building of Hindu temples. The temple in Dubai is just adjacent to the Dubai Grand Mosque. You can search for it in google.
2)Show one Muslim country, which has a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister.
      Senegal: It had a Christian President for 30 years while 95% of its population is Muslim. Nigeria: It has a Christian President while the majority of population is Muslim. Sierra Leone: It had a Christian Prime Minister while the majority of population is Muslim. Lebanon: With over 70% Muslim population, has elected several Christian presidents.
3)Show one country where the 85% majority craves for the indulgence of the 15% minority.
      If the majority craves for the indulgence of the minority, then it is the prerogative of the majority. VHP, in claiming to represent the majority, should ask the question to itself rather than to a 'secularist'.
Moreover, predominantly Muslim Turkey's "indulgence" of its 1% Jewish population and predominantly Christian America's indulgence of its 1% Hindu population are far more praiseworthy than predominantly Hindu India's indulgence of its 15% Minorities which are subjected to regular riots and genocides every now and then.

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by No BigBoss on Nov 04, 2007 05:34 PM   Permalink
Ismail is totally and 100% wrong ..

Oman, UAE ahve allowed temples just for name sakes, you can pray with open loudspeakers, you can pur your religious flag on the rooftop, you cant display hindu religious symbols openly on the shops or street, you can take out religious processions, and more ..

Senegal got more christians than muslims so they have christian president .. see the details of the country.

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by Ismail Sayyed on Nov 04, 2007 05:29 PM   Permalink
1)Show one Muslim country where Hindus are extended the special rights that Muslims are accorded in India?
Malaysia. Hindus in Malaysia have far more "special" rights than Muslims in India.
In Oman, UAE, the rulers have permitted the building of Hindu temples. The temple in Dubai is just adjacent to the Dubai Grand Mosque. You can search for it in google.

2)Show one Muslim country, which has a Non-Muslim as its President or Prime Minister.
Senegal: It had a Christian President for 30 years while 95% of its population is Muslim. Nigeria: It has a Christian President while the majority of population is Muslim. Sierra Leone: It had a Christian Prime Minister while the majority of population is Muslim. Lebanon: With over 70% Muslim population, has elected several Christian presidents.

3)Show one country where the 85% majority craves for the indulgence of the 15% minority.
If the majority craves for the indulgence of the minority, then it is the prerogative of the majority. VHP, in claiming to represent the majority, should ask the question to itself rather than to a 'secularist'.
Moreover, predominantly Muslim Turkey's "indulgence" of its 1% Jewish population and predominantly Christian America's indulgence of its 1% Hindu population are far more praiseworthy than predominantly Hindu India's indulgence of its 15% Minorities which are subjected to regular riots and genocides every now and then.

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This is martial law, says Benazir