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by alert on Nov 04, 2007 12:24 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The country itself is a rogue country controlled by terrorists. Jinnah's promise that pak will be secular country is not implemented there. Hindus have not occupied important positions unlike in india. There was not even a captain in cricket or or hockey captain from Hindus. Mushraff should eradicate the terrorists and bring proper secularism in that country.

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by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:14 PM   Permalink
Did Jinnah ever promise secularism? or what it Advani who thought he was secular? afterall, Jinnah died in 1948 - a year after partition so, you can't blame the poor soul for the situation today.

Yes, I do agree that pakistan is a rogue state. The country especially the western part has complete lawlessness, chaos and is a safe haven for terroist activities such as training men, kidnapping and slitting hostages and planning attacks

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