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by lancer on Nov 04, 2007 01:12 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

quran teaches to kill non believers where ever u c them 4 th chap n there r so much voilence prescribed by muhammed, shall other's kill the muslims where ever we c them ? why we should not call quran a killer's manual ?

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by adfasd asdasd on Nov 04, 2007 01:23 PM   Permalink
Ho Ho....

I can challenge you on have read these lines from Quran in some...hate forum, hate web site, have heard it in RSS meetings, or heard it from a fanatic uncle...

Please read/understand your religion first, then read quran completely in will understand that both are 1 with only about 2-3 % differences.

It is people like you who are responsible for the bin ladens and the paki extremists..they justify their deeds by pointing to statments and deeds like yours. SO please sober up, before you blow up this world with your mouth.

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by dheeraj on Nov 04, 2007 02:47 PM   Permalink
no other religion has so filmy excuse to produce extremists as Muslims have! i false to understand how come we believe in some things written thousands yr back! it might be right for that era, that place! not right in this era at this place.
Muslims have to learn what is acceptable in todays world and have to act accordingly or they r inviting trouble for themselves. Any basic since student knows that for survival u have to adapt according to environment. U cant enter 21st century with mindset of 4th century!!

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