HELP us divide pakistan into four parts Sindh, Balochistan, Wazirstan and PakPunj.
Let's break the back of this terrorist country once and for all.
Time has come to take our revenge. After 600 years of islamic invasion and 150 years of british rule, HERE IS OUR CHANCE TO CLAIM OUR LAND BACK. OUR VERY OWN SINDHU VALLEY must be taken back. The place where ancient hindu traditions prospered..
RE:divide pakistan
by Nemediyah on Nov 04, 2007 03:39 AM Permalink
Muslims, if left alone, will kill themselves. Therefore they always have to look for expansion. That is their history.
RE:divide pakistan
by Haiku Master on Nov 04, 2007 05:56 AM Permalink
Before the Indian peninsular broke off; it was part of the African land mass! Dont you think we should work to merge again! After all modern man originated from there! Get married... you will hear your spouse calling you an idiot daily ... many times over!
RE:divide pakistan
by Don johnson on Nov 04, 2007 07:51 AM Permalink
Be my guest buddy, dont forget india has 15 different insurgencies within india. Dont you billion FAGS have something better to worry about then reading news on pak, you chump seems to be really fascinated anything to do with pak please leave pak alone and let it handle its problem its more then capable of it and please keep begging america for calll centers and try to make toilets for 500 million poor bhindians so you can start as a jamadar.