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pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by siva kumar on Nov 04, 2007 12:49 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

As pakistanis have never enjoyed real freedom or democracy in their lifetime, they are not going to bother about this imposition of emergency.
They have been brought to a state of slave mentality because of continuous martial law for decades after independence.
Moreover they will accept anything in the name of Allah or Quron.
They die like a bunch of goats in bombblasts but lack the courage to fight for a real democracy.
They are a stark contrast to People of Nepal. Though a very smaller country compared to Pakistan, the Nepalis have fought tooth and nail against the Monarch and his arbitrary power and attained a democratic and secular state.
Even now only a handful of Journalists and Judges are opposed to the martial law and the common man has no reaction.
They didn't react when Bhutto was hanged or when Nawaz was deported or when he was again deported from airport.

Nepalis deserve to be called as citizens whereas pakistanis are only herds..

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  RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by adfasd asdasd on Nov 04, 2007 12:58 PM   Permalink
Well lets not malign the pakistani people...although i do not have any soft corner for them....

But the fact is that after partition, India got an array of competent politicians who setup democracy and protected it. They also controlled the army and kept it under the democratic contraints.

In contrast Pakistan had only 1 notable politician post independence, Jinnah, and he died within a year. So their political system wa sovertaken by power hungry army.

There lies the woes of both pakistan and india...the pakistani army and ISI.

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  RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by lancer on Nov 04, 2007 01:06 PM   Permalink
india politicans were good becauz they were hindu fought with british spent years in jails, they had a vision, jinna din even spend a single day in jail,he was fighting for muslims not for independence,there were nationalistic muslims like maulana abul kalam,khan abdul gafar khan, asif ali but why would they listen to such forward thinking people?islam teaches fanatism & hate so it reaps the same.any way pakistan n islam r gone.

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  RE:RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by adfasd asdasd on Nov 04, 2007 01:13 PM   Permalink
Just get your history riht first my dear friend...and then maybe brush up your knowledge of Islam...

Jinnah was into the freedom struggle before even gandhi and Nehru...he was leading India's freedom struggle (both muslims and hindus were in the same India then). Yes he went to jail numerous times and also fought cases for many freedom fighters. It is only after the advent of Nehru and his rise in stature that both of them fought for the PM's post and india has to be partitioned.

I am no great supporter of anyone, but what i have stated abpve is HISTORY as it is in hundreds of books and not the history which you people concoct in your g=fanatical social circles and history which is fed to you by your peers.

If you truly think that hindu politicians are great then why do you crib and bad mouth them. My friend all that you see goign wrong in this world is because of the business and politicial ambitions of a select few...who colour everyhting with religion.

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  RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by Sivanandan nair on Nov 04, 2007 01:15 PM   Permalink
So what is your common doing in their country. Why they cannot oppose and find a new leader. Leaders like Benazir, Sharif are interested only in money, then how can they serve the people and the nation.

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  RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by Virgo on Nov 04, 2007 01:04 PM   Permalink
Pakitan is India's enemy number one for the past sixty years. Why shouldn't we malign them? Pakistan has been the cause for millions of deaths and suffering in the subcontinent. Hell, they killed 3 million of their own people in East Pakistan. Not to mention hundreds of thousands of Balochis, Sindhis, Seraikies and Pashtoons that they have massacred.

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  RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by adfasd asdasd on Nov 04, 2007 01:07 PM   Permalink
Well you need to understand who you call as them....

If naxals kill hundreds in jharkhand and AP you and i are not responsible...

The real cuplrit is the Pak army and its ISI, supported by the US for its own narrow business needs. Pak army is completely different to its people. Unlike our Indian army that works according to the wishes of the people and its democratic setup.

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  RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by Virgo on Nov 04, 2007 01:19 PM   Permalink
Are you a pakistani? You are a reasonable person. I respect your opinion but don't agree. Pakistan is an enemy nation. Most pakistanis are violently anti-indian and anti-hindu. They are ready to nuke us at the drop of a hat. If you are a pakistani, I have nothing against reasonable people like you. But most pakis are not reasonable.

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  RE:RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by Proforma Invoice on Nov 04, 2007 01:38 PM   Permalink
U r only partially right. If real culprit is ISI and Pak army, they get support and backing of people of Pak. The Paki people support the militancy in Kashmir. There were donation boxes set up someyrs back in all restaurants in Paki cities and the paki people donated generously to the cause.

If India today has not developed to the extent we want it to the major cause is Pak. Its stupidity in following a policy of parity with India has caused India to spend unnecessarily on defence and armaments.

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  RE:RE:pakistanis Vs Nepali Citizens
by Sivanandan nair on Nov 04, 2007 01:17 PM   Permalink
Virgo is right. One cannot simply close his eyes and make a night; it will be only darkness for him.

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Experts talk on Pak emergency