HELP us divide pakistan into four parts Sindh, Balochistan, Wazirstan and PakPunj.
Let's break the back of this terrorist country once and for all.
Time has come to take our revenge. After 600 years of islamic invasion and 150 years of british rule, HERE IS OUR CHANCE TO CLAIM OUR LAND BACK. OUR VERY OWN SINDHU VALLEY must be taken back. The place where ancient hindu traditions prospered..
Take a step Indian Intelligence agencies... :::::: Visit R e l i a n c e P o w e r . ~c~ o~ m~ For New Happenings in India's Power Sector ::::
RE: divide pakistan
by Arun Kumar on Nov 04, 2007 10:00 AM Permalink
yeah right! then instead of handling one country we will have to handle four. Each will blame the other for extremism in India. Is that suppose to be a joke ?
RE: divide pakistan
by Virgo on Nov 04, 2007 10:12 AM Permalink
I agree. India should build a great wall of India between India and Pakistan and India and Bangladesh along the entire border to forever seal off these terrorist countries from infiltrating into India and to stop the bad wind from these extremist countries blowing into India.