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Who are the real Traitors
by Dipak Bose on Nov 04, 2007 02:03 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Given the declaration of emergency in Pakistan, it is highly likely that Pakistan may suddenly attack India to divert the attention of the people of Pakistan.
Thus, it is very important for India to make its nuclear weapons and emergency evacuation plans for big cities ready.
During the Kargil Wat, Mussaraf was ready to drop nuclear bombs on India. He will not hesitate to do so.
It is essential for India to drop the Indo-US nuclear Deal and prepare India for a sudden nuclear attack from Pakistan.

However, Man Mohan will do nothing but send a message of congratulation to Pakistan, as Sonia went to China to polish the boots of the Chinese and to give up Indian territorirs to pleae the Chinese. Man Mohan asked all ministers not to attain any meetings of Dalai Lama, just to please the Chinese.
Now Man Mohan wants to give up India's nuclear weapons in exchange for some crap very old second hand nuclear power plants from USA.
That will invite nuclear attack from Mussaraf definitely, knowing full well that India cannot defend itself any more after signing the Indo-US treaty.
Thus, the real traitor of India are those who support the Indo-US Deal, and who wants to destroy Indian's nuclear weapons programme: India's English language media, Man Mohan, Sonia etc etc.

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  RE:Who are the real Traitors
by Loan Shark on Nov 04, 2007 02:46 PM   Permalink
wild imagination running amok

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  RE:Who are the real Traitors
by Virgo on Nov 04, 2007 02:08 PM   Permalink

Bose, you are back again with your party agenda. Give it up my good friend. Start thinking what is good for India and not what is good for your commie parties and China.

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Experts talk on Pak emergency