RE:Islam is spiritual freedom
by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 04:13 PM Permalink
APPLAUSE TO YOU... MAHAKAVI.... WELL SAID... If Mohammed (PBUH) would not have defended himselves... then the TRUTH would been supressed.. I would like to quote something from Koraan...
RE:Islam is spiritual freedom
by Gladiator on Nov 04, 2007 04:26 PM Permalink
Again an UN-NAMED Fanatic asking a so-called Intelligent Question....
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) had came across many Mystic things, which he only explained.. to common men... and always lived as a common man.. When he was pelted with stones at TAIF while preaching Islam...Angel Jibrael came to him.. and asked, if Mohammed says Yes.. he can put all his enemies in the city of taif to death.. but Merciful Mohammed said.. to forgive them and never used his spiritual powers to destroy his enemies... Bcoz He beleived that one time or the other these ignorant non-beleivers will understand him..
RE:RE:Islam is spiritual freedom
by Yazed Khan on Nov 09, 2007 02:40 PM Permalink
that's absolutly right. But nowadays,what is happening on Earth should b immediately curbd and Muslims should follow Islam only & truly. That's the only way of salvation.