by Proforma Invoice on Nov 04, 2007 03:12 PM Permalink
Btw, muslims gift to mankind beheading, cutting of limbs, stoning to death that even 2day goes on in Saudi, Iran, Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan.
Karakiri, honour killings, giving of female members of family to repay debts, If father in law rapes daughter in law, she becomes his wife and her husband becomes son.
by Yazed Khan on Nov 09, 2007 03:04 PM Permalink
Here are the excertps from the Holy Quran:
The life of this world is made to seem fair to those who disbelieve, and they mock those who believe. And those who keep their duty will be above them on the day of Resurrection. And Allah gives to whom He pleases without measure.
Holy Quran Ch. 2:212: IT is true today, that our Black People are all but drunk on the life of this world (devil's world). Our Black People are called to return to their own and to heed the warning of The Warner that these are the Days of judgment of this world (white man's world). They are nearly insane and their brains can hardly receive the warning when you try to tell them that this world's life (devil's world) is short-lived. They think that that which the devil offers to them is better than that which Allah (God) offers to them. Therefore, they seek a place in the devil's world, They already have a place in his world.
THEY make a mockery of the Muslim, the bearer of truth. The Muslim disbelieves in the devil and in untruth. THIS PARTY (the Muslims) are gradually raised to honor and eminence in the very eyes of the mockers and disbelievers. THE hearts and minds of the disbelievers are so absorbed in the evil and indecency of the world of the white man that their ears cannot be reached with truth.
THE civilization of the white man will bring them to the most filthy, unclean and disgraceful practices that man and woman ever practiced since they have been on the face of the earth. THE lea
by Proforma Invoice on Nov 04, 2007 03:14 PM Permalink
It is more appropriate 2 say that muslims in India became civilised by staying with majority Hindus.
by Aakash on Nov 04, 2007 03:14 PM Permalink
Proforma Invoice and Read Books,
You must not be belonging to any religion thats y u dare to write such cr**ap about Islam and Hinduism , dont know what you guys have been taught since ur childhood, or from where you have picked up all this cra**p. Whichever God/Almighty you worship must have already disowned u .