Here BJP supporters are claiming that nobody in media care about hindues in Kashmir. I agree that the muslim extremists have killed hindues in Kashmir, but that donot give us any right to kill innocent Indian muslims. Modi like leader & Osama are the two sides of the same coin.
RE:Two wrong do not make right
by APU APU on Nov 05, 2007 01:01 AM Permalink
Narendra Modi is an intelligent politician. Some people are envious of him.
RE:Two wrong do not make right
by Crisp on Nov 05, 2007 12:06 AM Permalink
Why you people all the time harp the same string time and agian that Hindus were killed in Kashmir. This is hoax and there is no reality in it. Can you name anyone, it is infact greatness of Kashmiri Muslims who perform the last rites of old hindus who die of natural causes and were left alone by their progeny to die. It is irony that few incidents of dozen hindu killings which still remain a mystery for want of proof and no one talks equally of Kahmiri Muslims who were also masscred by unknown gunmen or soemtime by Hindus and military
RE:Two wrong do not make right
by K K on Nov 05, 2007 12:39 AM Permalink
Enough Hindus have been killed in Kashmir. Only supporters of terrorists think it is ok to slaughter Hindus. So don't bring your crap here. Take it to Pakistan and live there.