by shyamsunder on Nov 05, 2007 02:50 AM Permalink
Dear Mr. UdaySingh Choothya, Why do you want to drag gods into this forum. Talk about what is happening in the world today. Hindus don't cause any problems in the world. At least they don't bomb their migrating country after begging for migration.
@ UdaySingh Choutala , at leat Hindus have integrated well into whichever society they have migrated to and living peacefully. Hindus don't go and explode themselves in the hope of getting 72 virgins in heaven.
by Shehroz Khan on Nov 05, 2007 03:07 AM Permalink
By the way the concept of human bomb was started by LTTE...which are hindu...if u really wanna go by religion, remember rajiv gandhi and premadasa assasination?
by Rajeev on Nov 05, 2007 06:50 AM Permalink
Read the Kuran :
"Lo! Those who disbelieve Our revelations, We shall expose them to the Fire. As often as their skins are consumed We shall exchange them for fresh skins that they may taste the torment. Lo! Allah is ever Mighty, Wise. (56) ". Kuran Sura 4, Ayat 56.
by Topno on Nov 05, 2007 03:26 AM Permalink
Unfortunately your religion teaches Jehad, which is not taught in any religion.
LTTE never fought for Hinduism. But if ever muslims fought for, then it is to force Islam on others (i.e. Jehad).
In Myanmar Budhist monks are fighting for Democracy. Did you ever hear that Muslim mullahs are fighting for democracy? Because Islam is against demodracy.
by Shahana Mirza on Nov 05, 2007 04:24 AM Permalink
Saifudin, why hide behind a muslim identity. btw, fortunately Islam teaches many things that no other religion even dares to say but unfortunately you do not want to see for yourself, just pickup foul mouthed words against Islam from somewhere and use them on rediff. I am sure even after so many debates and explainations, you don't know what does jihad means.
by raju deka on Nov 05, 2007 03:38 AM Permalink
you are sufering from XWESTRAFUCTUZHXYLISYS, a serious nervous system disorders mainly caused by close associates of PIG, DOG etc. Please take immediate medical attention, other your your death is immenent..