What Musharraf says is 100% correct and it seems he is highly matured and pratical administrater than any past generals who ruled Pakistan over the years. As Pakistan has bourn out of hate and religion as any other muslim countries that country needs to be ruled with iron hand .Basically Pakistan is a religious based country and majroity of the people are firmly attached with islam and they donot change and think according to the time besids people are in poverty,disease and backwardness. Such country definatly not fit for democracy and if Mr.Mushrraf allowed democracy in Pakistan as in western countries then the muslim terrorrists taking advantage of this democracy would definatly continue their suside attak on these western countries. Hence whole world particularly western countries and India should support Mr.Mushrraf.
RE:Pakistan is learning
by Vasanth Srinivas on Nov 05, 2007 08:03 AM Permalink
What a bull $hit post...!!! The same Musharaff gave the "moral" and "material" support to the "mujahideens" in Kashmir. He is the key architect behind Kargil. He publicly told that the militants in Kashmir are freedom fighters and the Pakistan government would continue to provide support to them. Now he is comparing himself with Lincoln. I dont remember Lincoln supporting terrorists in history. One of your point is correct. A muslim nation cannot be driven by democracy. Only a leader with iron hand can drive the nation. And certainly, this military ruler is not that exact leader that Pakistan needs. The fate of Pakistan cannot be changed by a single person. He is just representing the nation's desire - the country formed of hatred. Muslims will not accept the modern world, they will not shed their "Jihad", they cannot leave their religion. There is no end to this crisis. If Pakistan is over, the same fire will start in Iran. If Iran is over, then the fire goes to Indonesia and so on. The mindset of muslims has to be changed globally to end this crisis.
Things have changed subsequently after Kargil and the the Afghan war. Musharraf is the only bet for pakistan to end the trerroist activities from the other side.
In terms of Banking..Passport issuance they are now far ahead of us and this has taken place in just 1 - 2 years
For India,Emergency is the best thing that can happen in Pakistan...Our Media and politician has to potray the things in correct perpective.
U know what,the Supreme court of Pak was leaving terrorist in a day or two after being caught and later these people were carrying out the bomb blast.
We need t use our head and not go after our media which is HYPER in most cases...