Wherever you have Muslims in majority democracy fails. Out of the 50 islamic countries we don't have a single democracy, although there are Rich countries like Saudi,Kuwait etc. and poor countries like pak,bangla etc., in africa, southest asia etc.Islam is the only common factor among all these undemocratic countries, so why can't we say that Islam and democracy are not compatible
Wherever there was a Hindu Nation, democracy never existed. The only Hindu nation was Nepal whose credentials for democracy are known to whole world.
India is not a Hindu country or Hindu majority country. Its a secular country. Hindusim & democracy are not compatible. Secularism & democracy is the only compatible combination.
To take your logic forward, can I say that Christianity is most compatible with democracy because most of the Christian majority countries are democratic?
RE:Democracy and Islam
by Ha ha hi hi on Nov 04, 2007 11:22 PM Permalink
What now we r seeing in Pakistan is a nothing but the Hate India Campaing launched by Pakis 50 yrs before!!! Now BJP is trying the same thing hate Muslim.. 40 yrs in future we will seen another failed stat India... BJP/RSS never wanted freedom for India... They wre slaves of British... Vajpajee told names of In revolutionaries.. Savarkar begged for Mercy with the British... Ghodse(RSS man) killed Ghandhi... RSS/BJP doe'nt want free India the want Brahmical India..... Hence VOTE for BJP. Is a VOTE for Hate...
RE:Democracy and Islam
by Sameer Bhagwat on Nov 05, 2007 02:36 AM Permalink
I said wherever Muslims are in a majority, really doesn't seem to matter whether its a secular country like turkey or has significant minorities like Malaysia. If majority of population practises Islam then goodbye to democracy. Majority of Indians are Hindu that is why Hinduism is compatible with democracy. Nepal is a special case where democracy failed due to a lunatic king and chinese interference, but you can't use that excuse for Muslim countries as there can be one or two special cases not 50 !
RE:Democracy and Islam
by Vinay kantiyar on Nov 04, 2007 11:21 PM Permalink
Democracy will fail in india too if bjp and its hate orgs are allowed to rule!